Men of John XXIII
The Men of John XXIII initiative was established under the principles of The Fathering Project (established by former WA Citizen of the Year and John XXIII parent Dr Bruce Robinson) to enhance the fathering experience at °µÍø½ûÇø.
Parenting has a profound effect on children. From a fathering perspective, a child's development can be significantly impacted in several key areas (Ref1):
- Social Skills and Relationships
- Mental and Physical Health
- School Management and Performance and
- Social Behaviours (i.e attitude towards tobacco, alcohol, drugs, bullying and adolescent sexual behaviour)
Committee members
Eric Maroni - Chair
Brendan O'Toole and Ben Archibald
For more information or to find out how to get involved, contact Men of John XXIII at
For more information on .
(Wood Lambin UWA 2013)